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These chicken shaped hanging bags are a recreation of one I was given as a child to keep my pyjamas in! I loved the bag and used it for many things over the years and subsequently my children used it too.

Why was it a chicken? Who knows – but I’ve kept the same design and also the name I gave it many years ago - Cockalou!

Like all my bags, Cockalous are made from recycled materials. Shirts, shrunken jumpers (or anything else made of wool) and ribbons from a whole host of different places that I’ve collected over the years. Even the stuffing is the offcuts of fabric that I have left over from cutting out.

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How to Use

Hang the Cockalou on a hook or door handle and use to store things in.

Tried and tested by my grandchildren, who keep their pyjamas in them at home! And when they come to stay, their Cockalous come too, with pjs, toothbrushes and teddies inside!

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